




Good stories happen over coffee

Good stories happen over coffee

Good stories happen over coffee

Good stories happen over coffee

Good stories happen over coffee


takeout films, based in Cologne, is an artist-led production company delivering compelling content for film, TV, and digital media. We relish the art of bending genre conventions and shattering rules, always rejecting mediocrity. Each of our visually distinct stories shares a commitment to ambition, thoughtfulness, and bravery, challenging conventional storytelling and sparking meaningful reflection. We are big fans of long-lasting creative collaborations that need to be at eye level. From thought-provoking documentaries to visually stunning cinematic experiences, takeout films thrives on crafting unique stories that resonate with audiences across genres and cultures.

We embrace transparency as a cornerstone of trust, acknowledging that genuine progress arises from a foundation of truth. Forging forward with unbreakable commitment.

We infuse every project with a contagious enthusiasm, making our creative endeavors not just impactful but irresistibly passionate. Our dedication ignites the spark that fuels extraordinary outcomes.

We encourage bold exploration, innovative thinking, and the fearless pursuit of new possibilities. Free thought is the heartbeat of our creativity, leading us to uncharted realms.

We believe in the power of treating each other, our team, collaborators, and our audience with the utmost respect. By cultivating an environment of mutual regard, we foster meaningful connections and collaborative success.